Lewes Radio Control Club

The Lewes R/C Club flies at: The Field 30401 Fisher Rd., Lewes, Delaware

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If you are interested in becoming a pilot of radio-controlled model aircraft and want to join a group of like-minded individuals, you’ve come to the right place. R/C model aviation covers a lot of ground and every pilot that you speak to has their unique spin on the hobby. There are R/C aircraft combinations available today at a reasonable entry investment. They are designed to get you flying quickly.
The first thing you need to do in order to participate in Lewes R/C programs is to join the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) at: 

If you are under 18 years old, you can get a free membership.  AMA Membership protects you with the necessary insurance required to fly at an AMA Chartered Club Field, including Lewes R/C. You are encouraged to join Lewes R/C at a cost of $100.00 plus a $20.00 first year initiation. Under 19 years of age, membership is free of charge with Flight Privileges but no voting rights.  You must have a Regular Member’s sponsorship and be accompanied at the field.  You may fly at the Lewes R/C field, with a sponsor/trainer using a club training aircraft for three sessions without joining.  Flying beyond three sessions will require you to join the Club. If you wish to continue flying with a club instructor and become certified, as required by club rules, you will be expected to purchase your own aircraft and equipment.
While liquid fueled aircraft are popular among many R/C enthusiast’s electric power has come a long way with the advancement of battery, motor, radio, and air frame construction technology. It is recommended that you come by the field (mornings are best weather permitting) to talk to a club member to help figure out the best path forward for your interest.  Alternatively, you can use our contact form.



If you are a member of Lewes R/C and wish to contact an instructor/mentor please login here



In order for Lewes R/C club to provide a safe environment for the enjoyment of model aircraft operations, protect people and property, and comply with AMA requirements a set of field rules have been established.  All people involved in Lewes R/C flight operations are required to comply with both the club's field rules and the AMA.s safety program. 

FIELD RULES                   AMA SAFETY CODE    




Lewes RC Club

30401 Fisher Road

Lewes, DE 19958

mail: tjb@flylewesrc.com